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Who's That Baby Modeling
  • How do I know if my child the right look for baby modeling?
    Flip through any magazine and If you're like most parents you probably think,"Aww!" then,"My kid's cuter!” and, finally, "How can I get my child a job like that?" There really is not a certain “look” that’s right or wrong. For modeling, an attractive child is certainly an asset. However, the demand for different looks is endless. Many advertisers actually prefer an average-looking, kid-next-door child. We have worked with all types of smiles over the years
  • Do you charge an up front fee to be a part of the Who's That Baby Agency?
    No! We work on a commission of 15% after you are paid for the job. Licensed talent agents can negotiate contracts for you, have a work ethics code, rules and regulations to follow. The digital model comp and profile (see sample) is a service we offer in place of the standard paper comp and is NOT required or mandatory to be with Who's That Baby. Should you elect to use the digital comp and profile there is a monthly charge of $20 for this service. This includes monthly updates of photos.
  • Do you work with children from out of state?
    Yes. We work on projects and have relationships with clients, casting directors, producers and directors across the country. It also depends on how much work is in your market area.
  • How much money can a baby or child model expect to make?
    With baby modeling there are no promises that a child will work or get a booking. We don’t want to discourage you but, we do want to be honest and straightforward with every new parent. Your expectation should be not to get rich, but to have fun, give your child a chance to gain some confidence being around others and maybe land a few job bookings for a college fund. Young kids and babies usually work no more than two hours at a time. Catalogues/ print work can pay $125 to $250 per hour and for larger print jobs the rate can go as high as $500 per hour. Plus there can be an additional usage pay, if the image is used for a billboard, poster or packaging. Television commercials rates vary on whether or not it is a regional or national commercial. The above are base pay scales and each job may be different depending on a client’s needs and budget.
  • How does Who's That Baby Agency work?
    Who's That Baby is a licensed full service boutique agency specializing in print work. Over the years we have developed well established working relationships with clients, who regularly call upon us for their casting and booking needs. Clients contact us providing a breakdown of what the job is, pay rate usage, and what type of child they are looking for.. We then submit or suggest our models that we feel match that specific job or clients needs. Most of the industry has gone digital and in real-time, especially after COVID-19. Another way for us to submit talent not only locally, but in other market areas is our digital comp and profile submissions system. A digital comp and profile consists of 5 to 6 photos, and the model's bio, which includes, name, age, hair color, eye color, and size. Essentially, a comp and profile is the modeling and acting version of a business card. It provides a fast and easy way to submit and gives casting directors and clients a look at whether you're right for their project. Agencies now use this technology over paper comps and clients prefer digital submissions vs. paper. Howver, paper is still an option for you. The digital model comp and profile (see sample) is a service we offer in place of the standard paper comp and is NOT required or mandatory to be with Who's That Baby. Should you elect to use the digital comp and profile there is a monthly charge of $20 for this service. This includes monthly updates of photos.
  • What other costs can I expect for infants and toddlers?
    While there are no required up front fees to be with us. Parents are responsible to cover their child's expenses such as printing, resumes, gas and other miscellaneous costs. Like any other business it’s important to have a few good tools in order to be successful. For this age group you don’t need to spend money with a professional photographer on photos because they change so fast. Just clear photos taken by a friend or family member are fine. However, you will need to get model composite cards. You can Google and find a printer of your choice that specializes in these for models. They usually cost around $100 or so for good quantity, and we can assist you in selecting the right photos and layout. This is not an item you can get at your local Kinko's. With today's technology, paper comp cards are rarely used any longer but still an option for you. Another way for us to submit talent not only locally, but in other market areas is our digital comp and profile submissions system. A digital comp and profile consists of 5 to 6 photos, and the model's bio, which includes, name, age, hair color, eye color, and size. Essentially, a comp and profile is the modeling and acting version of a business card. It provides a fast and easy way to submit and gives casting directors and clients a look at whether you're right for their project. Agencies now use this technology over paper comps and clients prefer digital submissions vs. paper. Since children this age can change so fast, we do need new photo updates about every 4-6 weeks.. Should you elect to use the digital comp and profile ( see sample) there is a monthly charge of $20 for this service. This includes monthly updates of photos. The digital model comp and profile is a service we offer in place of the standard paper comp and is NOT required or mandatory to be with Who's That Baby.
  • What other costs can I expect for older kids and up to teens?
    While there are no required up front fees to be with us. Parents are responsible to cover their child's expenses such as photography, printing, resumes, and other miscellaneous costs. Like any other business it’s important to have the right tools in order to be successful. For this age group it is advisable that you do get professional photos done. You can use any photographer of your own choice. We don't suggest spending allot of money until you get started. Once you have the photos from the shoot, we can help select the best shots. Our advice on acting or modeling classes, is generally they are not needed when first starting out. With this age group there are many factors we consider. Communication skills. Modeling experience. School plays. or acting experience, if interested in acting or commercials. School hours. Height requirements for girls ages 14 and up must be between 5'7" and 6'0" tall for modeling. If we are interested, we will call and set up an appointment. We do not accept walk-Ins.

All Rights Reserved Who's That Baby Talent Agency  2016-2019 Baby Modeling 

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